Monday, August 22, 2011

Speaking of lessons learned...

I saw this blog post earlier today and absolutely loved it.  One reason is because I have heard this so many times before.  The other because he covers some of the design issues I struggle with when designing public data visuals.  I can also very much relate to those three stages he goes through upon hearing other people's reactions to his data visual.

Anyways...enough about me.  Check out Steve Wexler's Hey Your Tableau Public Viz is Ugly *and* Confusing.


Data Vader

I was excited and honored that I won Tableau's "Evil Viz" contest last week.  Thank you Tableau for the awesomely evil Funko Darth Vader (that you see in the picture at the left)!  After seeing some of the other entries, I wasn't very optimistic about my chances.  However, even though I was in it to win it, I also wanted to show that I could learn from my previous entry in the sports contest.  I wrote about 4 lessons that I learned from my hockey stats entry previously.  Let's see how I applied those lessons to my Evil Viz submission.  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dr. Sinister's Data Visual of Doom

Like most evil mad scientists, Dr. Sinister has dreams of one day ruling the world.  But apparently, he has some personal scores to settle first.  Fortunately for us, I happened across his data visual that details his evil plans.  Hopefully we can warn his victims before it is too late!  (Well...maybe not all his victims.)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tiger Salamanders in Battleboro, NC

Ever wondered how many salamanders you might find in Battleboro, NC? Thanks to the USA National Phenology Network, you can wonder no more. Here is the observation data for 2010. You can check out what the exact location looks like at Google maps.

Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Tableau Sports Data Viz Contest

The winner was announced this afternoon and the winner is not me.  You can check out the winning visualizations here.  Not an unexpected ending to this.  The whole experience however was pretty amazing and I learned a lot from entering the contest.